Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Sand Pine Spotlight

In an effort to Communicate with our SPES Families and Staff we have created our new newsletter Sand Pine Spotlight. Here you will find the links to all our editions as they are released. Enjoy!

Sand Pine spotlight Vol 1 8/3/2020

Sand Pine Spotlight Vol 2 8/5/2020

Sand Pine Spotlight Vol 3 8/6/2020

Sand Pine Spotlight Vol 4  8/7/2020

Sand Pine Spotlight Vol 5 9/12/2020

Sand Pine Spotlight Vol 6 2/4/2021

Sand Pine Spotlight Vol 7 3/14/2021

Sand Pine Spotlight Vol 1 8/3/21

Sand Pine Spotlight Vol 2 9/13/21